Healthy Foods That Make You Happier



A lot of people turn to comfort foods like heavy pasta, ice cream, and chocolate to boost their mood. But too much of those type of foods are not good for your diet.

I create a short list of a few or many foods that are good for you and will enhance your mood.


Photo by Julia Sakelli

There are so many different types of tea but tea has been closely associated with enhancing your mood. Many people use tea as an alternative to coffee due to the fact that tea also makes your alert, but it will not affect your natural sleep pattern.

There are studies that draw the correlation of people who drink green tea have lower levels of psychological stress.

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Photo by Lisa Fotios

Little do people know, Spinach has a direct connection to your brain. Spinach is a high amount of Folate. Folate is a natural B-vitamin that assist the human brain to create serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps to relay messages from one area of the brain to another. It is believed since Serotonin is affected by so many of our brain cells that it actually plays a major role in human sleep, social engagements, mood, and sexual desire.

Many studies have shown the low level of serotonin has been linked to depression and other mental medical conditions.


Photo by Marta Branco

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Many nutritionists believe you should eat fresh nuts every single day. Nuts can easily be added to your diet and have been linked to offsetting anxiety and depression and make you calm and happier.

Just like spinach, nuts are also known to help the brain make serotonin which is one of the neurotransmitters that can be directly affecting your mood in a positive way.



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